Welcome to the TC Particles Documentation
View TC Particles on the asset store
Quick start and API reference.
Quick Start Notes:
- Import the TC Particles package into your project
- If you don't want just the source you can uncheck the samples folder
- Use GameObject/Effects/TC Particle System to create a system
- Hit play!
Q: Does TC Particles work on mobile?
- A: While generally not advisable, the latest iPads and iPhones with Metal should work. Additionally android devices supporting the latest openGL ES 3.0 spec can run TC Particles. This is not a generally well supported use case though.
Q: Does TC Particles come with source?
- A: Full source is included!
Q: Does TC Particles support mesh colliders?
- A: No, only primitive colldiers are supported. However, a more compelx range of primitives than in PhysX is supported, so it is easier to build complex shapes out of primitives.